Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Thinking About, Karma

The act of reaping what you sow, or getting what you give. I'd been going through some difficult times and a friend told me it was probably my karma.

"You're just going through some karma right now," he told me. "You just have to work through it".

"And how do I do that?" I asked.

"It all depends on what your karma is, what you've done to bring it about."

That wasn't much of an answer. I remembered once when he told me that things were not working out for me because Mercury was in retrograde. Whatever that meant. When I
asked him, he shook his head at my ignorance. His explanation of that was even more vague than his explanation about Karma. He told me I had probably done something in this life, or in a previous life time, and now I had to pay the price.

"If you were unkind to someone, you will be paid back by acts of unkindness. If you caused heartache, you will receive heartache in return. If not in this lifetime," he added, "then another lifetime."

I shook my head and told him I couldn't think of anything I did in this lifetime to cause the problem I was having. I had just lost my job because the company went out of
business. I couldn't think of anyone I had caused to lose their job.

"Could I be a victim of Karma fallout?" I asked, dubiously thinking that perhaps the owner of the company was experiencing his own Karma, and it overflowed onto me.

"Well," my friend said pragmatically, "in each lifetime we experience relationships with people we have known before. Perhaps in a previous life time you caused your boss to lose his job, now hes getting even."

I wasn't buying into that, but I let him continue, since I did not have a job and nothing else to do at the moment.
"Let's say it happened that way. What can I do now to undo it?" I asked keeping the conversation going.

"You have to go within."

"Within what?" I asked innocently.

"Within yourself. Within your deepest consciousness."

I raised an eyebrow. I probably raised both eyebrows. He was quick to respond.

"Meditation, my dear, meditation! By closing your conscious mind off to everyday chatter, you can go into your deeper, inner self and there you will find answers to your questions."

This time I pursed my lips and squinted my eyes. "All I have to do is meditate?"

"No! No! No!" he shook his head becoming annoyed and exasperated at my lack of wisdom, but he was also overjoyed to have a student.

"You must practice deep breathing, learn to focus on your third eye, and develop an altered state of being."

"Third eye?"

"It is the eye to the soul."

"To the soul, or of the soul?" I smiled so very sweetly.

"Just meditate. You'll find out one day." --------

I accepted that, but asked him what I do next, after I meditate, find my third eye, and reach an altered state.

"You listen."

"To what?" The conversation wasn't exactly inspiring.

"You listen for the voice." Daniel my dear friend raised his eyes, breathed deeply and added, "to the voice within."

"What if I do not hear it?" I thought it was a reasonable question.

"You will! You will! If you practice diligently every day for fifteen minutes in the morning and again in the evening. I promise you, it will happen."

I am hesitant to admit that I tried it. How could it hurt me? It might even be interesting. This was back in the 80's when meditation was not the hot stress buster it is today. Now I read about the benefits in almost every health and fitness article I see. Back then it was
part of New Age.

It was not easy to do. Sitting still for fifteen minutes was extremely difficult for me. Being a communicator, I find it nearly impossible to sit still much less quiet. I decided to give it two weeks. I was about to give up, but decided to try it one more time. I settled comfortably in a chair, breathed deeply, concentrated on my breathing, and let my mind go in its own direction. My thoughts weaving their own pattern. I could feel myself becoming more relaxed and was about to fall asleep, when I heard a faint sound. It wasn't audible, it was more like a perception and yet voice like. It said, "why are you sitting here? You should be out finding a job."

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