Monday, March 6, 2017

Bluejays Sent from Heaven

My son Steve died after a car crash on Sunday--he was 44--a fantastic husband, father, community member, and son.

He was a phenomenal guy. The tributes pouring out to him have been overwhelming. He leaves a wife, Claudia, three daughters, Callan, Shaye, Madison, his sisters, Kate, Mary, Bethe, Barbara, his brother, Ray, and me, his loving mom.

At the funeral parlor for visiting, the line was out the door, towards the parking lot for 4 solid hours. Hundreds of people who were touched by my son came to pay their respects and today the church was standing room only.

It was a freak rainstorm that caused the accident as he was coming home from his daughter, Shaye's soccer game. She got out of the hospital yesterday, has a broken ankle and a few bruises but is so positive and loving.

The same rainstorm a few miles away also hit my other son Ray nd his family on the same road--his car spun around twice, skidded and ended up facing oncoming cars. He took his wife, Tracy and their daughter, Marley, home rather than continue on to my son's house. If he hadn't, he most likely would have come onto the scene of the accident.

I knew my son Steve worked with various charities, but I had no idea how many--I don't know how he did that, ran a successful business, was active in the community--they even featured him Monday night on the Nashville evening news---and was a truly good family man to his wife and three daughters.

I am proud of him. I was always proud of him. He was the 3rd of my 6 children and the first of two sons.

"Love you mom" were the last words he said to me the last time I saw him a few days ago. He put his arm around me, kissed me on the cheek, and said, 'love you, mom'. A nice memory to have. Today I kissed his casket and said: "I love you, Steve".

Remember to always tell your loved ones how you feel about them, you never know if this is the last time you will see them.

Be safe on those roads. And most of all my friends, love and be loved.

He sent me two Bluejays.

The evening of his passing, I was overcome with emotion. As I sat sobbing, I suddenly had and overwhelming feeling. I sensed Steve close by. I didn't see him. I didn't hear him. I felt his presence. I felt him telling me that he is okay. I became calm, serene, at peace. I knew instantly that wherever his spirit was, he was okay. When he sent me Bluejays, I knew he was okay.

One of the things I always loved about being at Steve's house was watching the birds at the feeders in his back yard, especially the Bluejays. During the days following the accident, I sent spiritual, mental, prayerful messages to him. "Send me a Bluejay, Steve."

The morning of his funeral I was looking out my bedroom window, preparing myself for the hours about to come. Suddenly, two blueejays sat on a branch on the tree outside my window. I knew he had sent them and I whispered a thank you and sent him my love.

There have been no Bluejays or any birds in that tree since that morning.

I know he is somewhere beyond this life. I know he surrounds me with love. I also know I miss him on this earthly adventure but I still feel his presence.

Look for signs from those loved ones who have passed on. I believe they are in contact with us in many ways. Maybe a loved one will send you a Bluejay, help you find a lost item, lightly brush your shoulder or kiss you gently on the cheek.

Our loved ones don't leave us forever. They are waiting for us somewhere in time.

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