Saturday, February 10, 2018

Are Online Subliminal Messages Telling You What to Do?

You are on your computer and music from your playlist is playing in the background. Are you aware the music could have messages going to your brain?

Have the geniuses of the Internet devised a means to attack your mind without your knowledge?

A friend and I were phone-chatting yesterday about how everything we do is being tracked by our smartphones, devices, computers, even our TVs. I lightly mentioned it wouldn't surprise me if messages were being sent to us as we were talking. Then, less lightly I said, "What if we are being told how to act, how to live our lives and if it were contrary to our normal behavior?"

That started me thinking and researching about 'Subliminal Messaging'.

Can you be reading posts on Facebook and unknowingly to you subliminal messages are being flashed into your subconscious mind?

Do you pull up a website with info about how to do something and as you read, a nonaudible commercial message is being sent you over and over again? Maybe it's a website about losing weight with a subliminal message telling you to eat a certain ice cream or use a particular diet program and the website is filled with ads for Jenny Craig, South Beach, Weight Watchers.

Subliminal tapes are sold by the millions to people that want to motivate themselves with custom subliminal messages. There are subliminal messages in songs. There are even computer programs so you can make your own custom subliminal message to yourself.

That started me thinking and researching 'Subliminal Messaging'.
Along the way I found this amazing amazon book--read it to learn how you are influenced daily,

Become aware of 'Methods of Persuasion' and learn how to resist it.


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