Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Thinking About, Success

Is it tangible, something we can measure only by material means? A high priced car, luxury home, and designer clothes" These things most often are signs of success. What about those of us who do not have these possessions?  How do we measure success? Love? Health? Happiness?
            I can only equate by my own circumstances, by what I feel within. I do not, nor have I ever owned the material items above, but in my heart I feel I am very successful. I have six children who are independent and following their goals in life. They are loving parents and good citizens with moral characters.
            I am in a position of being able to devote time to writing, which is something I now love doing. I believe this is a major criterion for happiness, loving what you do. It brings a sense of satisfaction about who you are and how you live. It brings rewards beyond any monetary measure.
            It would be unrealistic of me to think that doing what you love can always support your lifestyle. If you can’t do what you love and receive income, do what you love for fun, in your leisure time. We all need to have something in our lives to get the juices flowing. Something that creates a sense of pride, fills a void, creates energy. Let’s face it, energy parents action, and that action moves us to accomplishment.
            It is in realizing accomplishments that we feel success. A job well done and a feeling that we did our best can do more for our ego than the finest material possessions. It isn’t that we don’t want or need those material things, we should all aspire to have the better things in life, but it shouldn’t be our ultimate goal. If it is, we might never feel the sense of success as when we count our blessings in intangible numbers. The blessings of a happy heart, sound mind, healthy body, and love that asks nothing more than to be given.
            There are days when my cup runneth over, and days when it is half full. I’ve even had times when it has been almost empty. I have gone through some upsets in my life. I have experienced emotional pain, not knowing when I might feel sunshine in my heart again, or when my cup would begin to refill with joy. It is having gone through these moments that make me treasure my life as it is now.
            For me, success is feeling , a sense of accomplishment, and that each day brings me the opportunity to live, love and do my best as a mother, grandmother, friend and hopefully, writer.

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