Monday, June 12, 2017

Dorothy Parker - Spirit Writing Guide

From Public Domain
I often feel most of my writing comes from a source other than myself. I hear the words in my mind repeating over and over until I release them. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Stephen King, and countless published writers say the same thing. 

Sometimes I think I know who my spirit writer guide is like Elbert Hubbard who guided my 'Channeling the Greats". This morning I feel the spirit essence of Dorothy Parker, not only haunting and taunting me but plagues me with her didactic commands. 

"Turn off that horrible meditation music." 

"Stop reading about my romantic affairs. They are not relevant. Yes, I had a wonderfully creative, fascinating life, but I am here to guide your writing not dawdle over my past life."

For someone who was considered 'witty', she is anything but. 

"Mary, I was told you are difficult to write through, I mean to inspire. Mr. Emerson informed me you have the attention span of a cricket. Yes, I knew the esteemed Mr. Emerson in Concord when I was Louisa May Alcott, a member of his Transcendental society. Sorry, I dally in times past. My purpose here is to inspire you to write better prose. I can see that is no easy assignment."

Suddenly there is silence from her? Has she left? 

"I can't leave. To reach a higher realm in the afterlife, and no longer be associated with the earth plane, I must succeed as your inspiration and writing spirit guide.  A far more formidable task than I expected. I need to consult more experienced mentors."

More silence. I'm wondering why she was sent to guide me. She was a highly regarded poet, short story writer, critic, lyricist, columnist. If I could choose a writing guide it would be Agatha Christie or Barbara Cartland. I know they were not literary writers, but they wrote short and to the point stories like I enjoy writing. No fluff, no long drawn out descriptions. Just plain and simple storytelling.

Still silence. Maybe Ms. Parker has left in the wake of her frustration.

"Not a chance. I tried."

Oh, she is still here.

"Mary. I am trying with little success to find someone else to get your attention. Ms. Cartland, who focused through a trance-like state to receive stories she dictated to secretaries, has reincarnated and is quite successful as a political entity in Europe. Ms. Christie is teaching newer souls about the afterlife. Right now I suspect we both need a break. Take your time. Don't hurry. It may take longer than I think to find someone available and willing."  

I wonder if she'll come back? Hopefully with a replacement not so acerbic and didactic. 

To Be Continued
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Dorothy Parker: What Fresh Hell Is This? Kindle Edition

From the Amazon description:
In this lively, absorbing biography, Marion Meade illuminates both the charm and the dark side of Dorothy Parker, exploring her days of wicked wittiness at the Algonquin Round Table with the likes of Robert Benchley, George Kaufman, and Harold Ross, and in Hollywood with S. J. Perelman, William Faulkner, and Lillian Hellman. At the dazzling center of it all, Meade gives us the flamboyant, self-destructive, and brilliant Dorothy Parker.

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