Friday, June 9, 2017

Healing Herbs

Healing Herbs

Modern science is catching up to Ancient Wisdom

Let the fruit of the tree be man's meat
and the leaves be his medicine”

For information purposes only based on research of publications from various sources.

M. Bradley McCauley

Only You Can Make a Healthier You 
Science is beginning to realize what the ancients said about using food for healing is true.

An herb is the friend of physicians and the praise of cooks." Charlemagne

"Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.
Thomas Edison

Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food. " Hippocrates

"... the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you, it shall be for meat... "
I remind everyone not to change their health routines without consulting with their medical adviser.

No matter what age you are, you can improve your health and lengthen your life.
Important: Not all spices have been tested on people. This information, unless otherwise noted, is from traditional information from publications, folklore, and some animal studies. Use any food or spice supplement with caution and medical advice.
Start here. Start now. This is the way for you and your family to have a healthier, longer, lifestyle. You can do it. You can do it now.

A few basic herbs and spices used for healing

Allspice -- has been used to relieve the pain of arthritis when used in a compress. It also settles the digestive system. If you're having problems with diarrhea or flatulence give allspice a try.

Basil -- can be used on skin infections and insect bites. Basil is high in vitamin A., vitamin C, phosphorus, and calcium. It is also a source of iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It is thought to help the eyesight, the cardiovascular system, and the hair. Make a tea with basil when you have the flu or any kind of digestive distress. If you have cramps, nausea, indigestion, and constipation use basil to alleviate the problem. Basil tea can also soothe a headache and calm the nerves. Make a tea to lower a fever. Simmer a few peppercorns and a tablespoon of basil in a pint of water for 20 minutes. Sip slowly. Add honey if necessary.

Bay Leaf -- Compresses made from bay leaf can be used to relieve the pain of a sprained joint. They also help relieve arthritic pain, and if applied to the chest can't relieve the congestive cough of bronchitis. When taken internally bay leaf relieves an upset stomach and colic in babies. It promotes good digestion and stimulates the appetite.

Black pepper -- has been used as a preventative medicine for many diseases. East Indians take a mixture of black pepper and honey every morning as a preventative for many common illnesses. When treating acute illnesses they take it several times a day. Black pepper has been known to decrease the formation of intestinal gas. It has been known to asthma, boils, colic, cough, diarrhea, fever, gas, hemorrhoids, indigestion, chronic rheumatism, obesity, phlegm, sinus congestion, skin diseases, sore throat, and worms.

Cardamom -- is an Indian spice and valued for its warming effects of on the body. It is good for the treatment of indigestion, colic, and gas. Make a tea using 15 cardamom seeds, a cinnamon stick, five cloves, seven peppercorns, a half inch piece ginger root minced, and heat in 1 pint of water. Simmer for 10 minutes. Strain. Add a sprinkle of vanilla extract, honey, and nutmeg. Drink twice a day for warmth.

Cilantro-- helps in removing toxins from the body. Make up a cilantro pesto and eat over your favorite pasta when wishing to detoxify. Make a compress and use for arthritic and joint pain. It has also been used as a digestive aid to settle the stomach.

Cinnamon -- a half teaspoon of cinnamon every day significantly reduced the level of blood sugar in those with type 2 diabetes. In addition, the same study found that cinnamon was able to reduce triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol in the same study participants. People who eat cinnamon regularly report fewer urinary tract infections. Cinnamon has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. It is useful in relieving arthritic pain. Cinnamon may be helpful in the reduction of tooth decay and gum disease. Cinnamon is the anti-microbial. It is also a blood thinner and may be useful in the promotion of circulation. This may be why people use it for menstrual cramps. It has long been used for relieving the congestion of colds and allergies. It is been used as a digestive aid and may be helpful in the treatment of common digestive disorders.

Cayenne -- promote circulation. It is also used in compresses and creams as an analgesic. It helps reduce the pain of arthritis, swollen joints, sprains, back pain and general muscle pain. People also use it internally for menstrual pain and the pain of fibroid tumors.

Cloves -- have been used traditionally for dental pain. Apply oil of clove to the gum when you have a toothache. It is also good for arthritis and insect bites. It is an anti-fungal so add it to a foot bath for athlete's foot. It is also an anti-microbial. It helps with digestive problems and is good for nausea. Try it to settle hiccups. Make a tea of one-half teaspoon powdered cloves to a cup of boiling water. Let it sit for 20 minutes and drink up.

Ginger -- is an anti-inflammatory. Use as a compress for in inflamed joints and sprains. It is also good applied to the chest for bronchitis, colds, allergies, on the abdomen for menstrual cramps. Steep as tea or nausea, colds, bronchitis, the flu, and to promote circulation.

Nutmeg -- used externally for eczema and arthritic pain. Internally nutmeg helps indigestion, bloating, diarrhea and vomiting. A small pea size amount taken over a long period of time has been known to help chronic nervous disorders and heart problems.

Oregano -- is a great cure for bad breath. Use it as a mouthwash for inflammations of the mouth or throat. It helps relieve headaches. When used as a tea it helps the coughs of colds and whooping cough. It has been used as an antiseptic as well as on insect bites.

Paprika -- is a good source of vitamin C. It has also been known to promote circulation and helps with menstrual cramping.

Parsley -- is used externally to relieve itching. Parsley is one of the most nutrient rich herbs we have. When taken internally it helps to detoxify the body. It is also useful as a diuretic. It is used as an anti-inflammatory and an anti-spasmodic. It helps urinary tract infections, indigestion, colic, menstrual complaints, and inhibits tumor growth.

Rosemary -- is used externally to promote hair growth, dandruff, scalp health, and circulation. It is used as a mouthwash and an antibacterial gargle for sore throats. Internally Rosemary can be used as a pain reliever for headaches and arthritis. It also has been known to promote good digestion and circulation.

Sage -- when used externally it is good for acne, throat infections, gum infections, breast pain and oily hair. Internally sage settles indigestion and gas. It also has been used as a tea to help anxiety and depression.

Thyme -- is an anti-parasitical agent. When used internally it can help anything from the lack of appetite to pour indigestion and diarrhea. It also helps with a hangover and stomach cramps. A fusion of Thyme has been known to help bronchitis, colds, and whooping cough. Externally thyme can be used as an antifungal, and on parasites such as scabies and crabs. One can make a tincture of 4 ounces of thyme to 1 pint of alcohol to help with that. It has also been used as an antiseptic.

Turmeric -- is used externally to heal wounds, relieve pain, and as a compress to break up chest congestion. Internally turmeric acts as a strong anti-inflammatory. It is one of the best spices to use for such conditions as multiple sclerosis. It is good for the treatment of hepatitis, where a blood purifier is needed. It helps inflammatory bowel diseases, ulcers, colic, and yeast infections.

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