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Thinking About...This and That
Random posts about anything that catches my interest.
Thursday, January 6, 2022
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Saturday, December 4, 2021
Stay Young-Avoid Your Adult Kids
Avoid your adult kids! Not because they are getting older and it makes you feel old, it's how they treat you.
It starts when you're in your sixties. At first, when they talk to you as if you are a child, you tell yourself they can't help it. They mainly talk to their kids and can't remember to change their tone.
Watch it when you go to pick them up in your car and they insist on driving. Or when you see them checking your car for scratches and dents to be sure you aren't having minor accidents. That's when you become concerned about when they might take your keys so you can't drive and you begin to think about being old. Don't let them near your car.
Be forgiving when they insist they told you something and you don't remember. They have so many things on their minds they can't always remember who they told what.
Be kind when they say, in that patronizing tone, "Mom, I was standing at the counter peeling potatoes and you were pouring yourself another glass of wine." Notice the emphasis on 'another glass of wine' and that they are counting.
Be prepared to be given advice, told how you should do things, what you should not do, and for heaven's sake do not disagree. Just smile and say, "thank you, dear."
I admit they begin running your life because they love you and of course they have realized you aren't the smartest person they thought you were when they were preteens.
They are watching to be sure you don't have car accidents, that your forgetfulness isn't the beginning of dementia, and your wine drinking doesn't get to the point of impairing your activities.
They love us, they want to take care of us, they don't mean to make us feel older than dirt. To avoid feeling old, avoid them when you can, love them when they intrude and take over but find your own space, keep it sacred, and hang out with people who don't make you feel old.
To my family---I love you all and I think you are perfect in every way!
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
A Tribute to Nicklaus
A Tribute to Nicklaus - Myrna and Nicklaus are real. The story is fiction.
Myrna struggles to hold back her tears as she hurries past the dog park. It has been a month since her precious Standard Poodle, Nicklaus, passed at age 14, and she sadly remembers his jubilance when she took him for a walk in the park. He was friendly, so much so that other dogs seem to be excited when they arrived, and the owners welcomed her. She wasn't sure if they welcomed her or Nicklaus.
Avoiding walking past the park was difficult when she went to the Senior Center. She volunteered every Tuesday and Thursday, reading and spending time with some of the residents who had no family or friends to visit them. Now and then, she was allowed to bring Nicklaus, and his jubilant friendliness cheered everyone.
She could take another route, but it took her around an area better to ignore, and it was much too close to drive her car. No, walking was the best way, and sometimes she felt Nicklaus was excitingly walking next to her. Realistically she knew he wasn't, but it gave her comfort thinking about him, but sometimes it made her sad.
As she passes, trying not to look at the frisky pups enjoying their outing, she is startled to see an identical Standard Poodle, the image of Nicklaus sniffing the ground, looking for a spot to stop. She blinks, closes her eyes, shaking her head. When she opens her eyes and looks again, he and the nice-looking gentleman at the end of the leash are closer to her.
"Excuse me," the baritone voice says softly, "you are the owner of the Standard *Poodle you bring here to the park?"
"I beg your pardon," she mumbles.
"I used to see you walking him when I visited my mother at the Center and brought her here on walks when she was feeling up to it. She loved watching the dogs. It was one of the few times she was lucid and spoke normally."
Myrna nods. "Your mother is at the Senior Center?" She looks into his smiling hazel eyes, trying to remember if she had seen him at the Center. Surely she'd remember. He is probably near her age, mid-60s, and handsome. She definitely would remember him.
"Yes, my Mom, Alma Maynard. I only get to visit every other Wednesday. Your dogs name was Nickle something or other? She mentioned it when we came here and pointed at him."
"Yes, Nicklaus. He was my dog."
"Was?" He lays his hand on his dog's back, smoothing the white hair."
Myrna struggles to respond, looking at the identical image of Nicklaus as his owner scruffs the back to its head. "I had to put him down last week. He was old and very sick."
"I'm sorry." there is a look of sadness in his eyes.
Myrna feels a tug in her heart as he reaches out and touches her arm.
"Your Nicklaus is why I got this guy here. I saw how much pleasure my Mom had watching him, and I saw the joy you seemed to have walking him. It's been lonely in my house since my wife died two years ago. Nikie here brings companionship and brightens up my days. I named him Niki because that's what Mom said when she saw you with him." He hesitates then continues.
"I have a major problem though.I have to go out of town for work a couple times a month and my regular pet sitter is going off to college. I haven't found someone who can come in and take care of him."
Myrna smiles. She hesitates for a moment, then looking into his eyes, she says, "I am retired and have lots of time on my hands. I would be happy to help until you can find someone."
As they exchange numbers, he suggests they go to dinner on Friday night to discuss the details.
She reaches down, wraps her arms around Niki, and is sure Nicklaus would approve, not just of her dog sitting but getting to know his owner better.
M. Bradley McCauley - 2021
This aging easy blog covers the aging process from Alzehimers to Sexuality, and many in between.
Monday, June 29, 2020
Better Than I Thought I'd Be at 83
- Smoked 40 years
- Alcohol user
- High-stress life as
- Mom of 6
- Military lifestyle
- Divorce
- Stress filled travel career
- Early age heart disease, first heart attack at 47;
- 6 stents from 2003 to 2009
- Osteoporosis
- Auto-immune disease
- Scoliosis
- Acute Inflammation
- High Blood Pressure
- Arteriosclerosis
- Sciatica
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Thinking About, Life -
As my thoughts and perceptions define who I am, my direction becomes clearer. It fades from a mirage of tangible assets to a vision of keen conception. Within my mind, I can clearly see the unity of nature, and I become one with it. I am guided by the awareness that life is nature and nature is God.
After years of study, I have come to the metaphysical belief that God is life. God is the creative energy force that exists in every molecule of life. God is intelligence. God is life. God is the existing force of nature. God is all that is.
When I consciously perceived this awareness, I was in a state of awe. I thought I had entered the New Age, and then realized through my philosophical and religious studies, that the New Age is as old as esoteric thought. The concept of the I Am, which is New Age thought, was taught by countless sages, philosophers, and religious leaders, including Jesus. I believe that when He said, “I Am Who Am”, and “The Kingdom of Heaven is within”, he said it all. “The Father and I are One”.
When this state of awareness is reached,, all that exists in the physical world is viewed with a different perspective. Joyfulness comes into the heart. Birds sing with an endearing sweetness, the trees elegantly sway in the breeze, and the awareness of the unity of all that IS becomes a reality. Material possessions are less important and physical satisfaction is less dominating. One rejoices in the awareness of our true nature and life becomes less stress filled.
I believe the spirit within us is as invisible as the air we breathe and just as real. I believe that when we acknowledge our spiritual nature and learn to work with it, we then have the power of the
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Story Worth-How My Parent's Named Me

Monday, April 20, 2020
6 Money Saving Power Tips
Power Bill Sending Shock Waves in Your Budget?
Try these 6 Energy Saving Tips
Following are the 6 best tips for in your home energy/$$$$ saving.
#1 - Did you know computers, televisions, other devices, and appliances use power when they're off. Plug these devices into an easy-to-reach power strip and turn it off when you're not using them.
#2 - Lower the thermostat by at least 2 degrees and wear a sweater. I have a lovely Scottish wool cape works great.
#3 - Turn off your dishwasher after the wash/rinse cycle and let the dishes air dry, the way we used to in the days of dish drainers. Be sure to have the door open and the racks pulled out slightly.
#4 - Turn off unnecessary lights - a no brainer. Especially ceiling lights.
#5 - Take shorter showers and turn the water off when shaving and brushing your teeth.
#6 - Adjust your hot water heater. Most of us have to add the cool water to keep from burning ourselves. Turn it down.
Kent Price info
my email is my website is the K-town subpage is the K-town contact list is ...
Taking Grandma Home I roll onto my back, eyes closed, no need to open them to look at the clock, I know it is around 5:30. I...
Living in a small town in PA in a less than affluent or even white picket fence lifestyle, I never dreamed someday I wou...
These are a few writings I have done during the nine years since my son Steve died, and why I believe in life after death. ...