Thursday, October 1, 2015


Thinking About

Looking in a quotation book, you find many verbal expressions of beauty. "It is in the eyes of the beholder"; "a thing of beauty is a joy forever"; "beauty is, as beauty does". They are expressions of beauty, they don't define beauty, they only illustrate it. 
      We can all think of samples of beauty--a crimson sunset, a long-stemmed rose, a mother with child, the love in someone's eyes. These are time-worn examples of beauty. When we read them, we can imagine beauty in each form. My question is, do we see beauty in our lives today? 
       Recently my life has been filled with difficulties. I don't see or feel any beauty around me right now. I feel older, afraid, concerned about my health, worried about my financial situation, and totally without faith about my future. 
       I don't see beauty, I don't feel beauty, I only ache for it. I don't want to think about it, but think about it I must. I can't let it be a thing of the past. I need beauty in my life. I need the refreshment it brings, the solace and the joy. I need the stirring of emotions raising me above the side road of despair. 
     As I write this, from somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind, somewhere beyond my conscious thoughts, I feel these words: 

Thou hast merely to look upon Me,
and Thou shall see
beauty beyond compare
blossoming, unfolding, everywhere.
It is around you and in you,
beyond you, beside you,
In the trees, in the breeze
in the ocean, in the skies
Behold beauty, it is in your eyes

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