Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Automatic, Spirit, Directed Writing

Prelude to “Directed Writings”

It was August 1976, in Clearwater, FL. I was a 39-year-old wife and mother. At night, after everyone was in bed, I sat in the living room writing thoughts in a journal. I would sit and write thoughts that came into my mind, but soon they were more than thoughts. It was as if the words were being dictated to me from another source.

I wrote every night, and sometimes I stopped in the midst of a thought or sentence, and it was continued the next day. At one point we went on vacation and when we returned, the words continued as if there had been no interruption.

Finally, the writing seemed to be finished.
I often wondered if it was thoughts from the depth of my psyche, or dictated to me from another source. Some call it automatic writing, others call it channeled writing. I call it, ‘

Directed Writing’.

The basic strength of any philosophy is in the logical steps towards the conclusion based on the proper attainment of knowledge. To make a premise without the development of the original thought is to attempt to walk without learning to stand.

We are not born with an innate philosophy, it is acquired through growth stages. Each of us must accept our philosophy as it is attained through our development. We learn from birth to death, programmed by the existing world around us and those who control our daily environment. We learn from our relationship to those involved in our progression of life.

To deviate from the proper growth is to impede the development of our souls but we must continue the pursuit in conjunction with our physical attainments.
I walked slowly on the sand feeling the cooling droplets of water touch my skin and felt life, the life that surrounds us without human form.

The human element of life is but a small portion of the universe. The galaxy, infinitesimal in the Creator’s eye, is as apparent as the strongest force of life. Life is but an interim existence purposefully created for continuing development in the vast periphery of creation.

We are not separate but all are one within the universal development of existence. Each soul spawned in the evolution of time is individual but contained within the origin of its creation. We develop in stages produced within the contingencies surrounding our ethereal progression and our positive movement is based on the daily progression of our involvement in our lives.

I yearn for fulfillment within the span of time allotted to me in this stage of my soul’s evolution but I must learn to digress from the personal desire of achievement and learn to be one through whom others achieve. We must not ask for glory and praise in our daily existence but must be an instrument, as we are all instruments in the hands of our Creator.

And so, for the perpetual evolution of man, we must not think of ourselves as one alone but in unison, with all and with this philosophy we can never impede the development of another. 

As God is the creator of life so we must be the producers of evolutionary forces that will continue the flow of our existence beyond our human development.

I must not feel futility in my daily pursuit of life for each frustration is but a part of the foundation of my total existence. A foundation that has developed into the formation of a philosophy that will be considered with the development of the evolutionary process of life.

Here is where the words stopped being my thoughts and were 'told' or dictated to me. 

The simplification of the predestined evolution of man is personified in the growth direction of life. Multiple forms of life cognizant to man are but a few in the vast creation.

We are a particle of the whole, existing within the all-encompassing spectrum of the cohesive unity beyond our mortal comprehension. Beyond our human vision, exists vast creations of interlocking as well as disjointed species of creation evolving within a destiny conceived at the beginning of time.

The concept of evolution is derived from the initial state of being, that is, the origin of I AM, and so we are. We came genetically from the first infusion of creative force expended by the Creator and thus we are a part of creation within the developing pattern of existence.

Stages of the evolutionary process are circumscribed by a series of transient concepts. Man evolved as a direct result of the biological progression of matter, destined to become shape and form within a pre-designed objective. 

The human element of life attained reality as a directed, comprehensible species for the purpose of emanating continuity in the expanding projection of acumen.

The correlation of humanity to the encompassing totality of conception is proclaimed by the continuing progression of the state of existence within the natural continuity of development. The human element of existence is but a temporary form of the creative progression of the original concept.

To wit, the general species of mankind is cognizant of the unifying force of direction within the conducive elements of life, however, the concept of man is alien to the exterior elements of pre-designed existence. Therefore, mankind must, with natural progression, infuse comprehension beyond its limited sphere of comprehension. 

Man must evolve to the state of existence beyond the initial development in order to emanate the basic origin of the concept. Consequently, man becomes the translative force of development to the existing species of tangible forms of life evolving within the core of continuing existence beyond the circumspective generality of the individual idiom.

The existing religions of today are hindered by exterior motivation produced by misguided mentors. Religious practices have deviated from the original intention because of the human element. 

The creation of religion was to formulate the basic truths of life and existence but ensuing generation was heedless of the original wisdom and contradictions emanated. Within that contradiction, there came a polarization of theory and directed interpretation from numerous sources.

Man’s emergence from the embryonic stages of knowledge has produced vast technological achievements, but his mind has not developed in the area of religion along the original prescribed intention.

The holiness of God is the source of light revealed through prophets but the entity of God is the Creative force of existence through which all light is revealed. Man’s understanding of God and creation has been interpreted with and without the concession of our Creator.

When the One who was to come spoke of the divinity, it was with the voice of truth but the words have, in translation lost original context. Jesus spoke of His oneness with the Father and we are all one with the Father, the descendant of the Creator.

The natural forces of the universe have created achievements beyond the design of intention. The development of the human element has transgressed through the discrepancies of the id. Basic, primeval instincts restrict the fruition of the soul’s progression. The self-attaining nature of man is embodied in the disparaging conduit of existentialism.

The soul’s momentum is juxtaposed to the prevailing divinity of the all-encompassing creative force. However, within the attainment of self-gratifying achievements, deviation of the original purpose has been exercised by predominantly weak members of the existent species.

Transparent idiosyncrasies permeate the pre-designed purpose of the viable intention. The original delineation, the intended purpose of man’s existence was to perceive the origin and to perpetuate the continuing process of existence beyond the material manifestation.

The human element of the original creation is one in the spirit but separate in the embodiment of the physical composition. 

The relationship between the variant factors is projected in the continuing current of evolution. The contingent cosmic reaction is predicated on the ensuing comprehension of the original nature. The predisposed purpose of the original intent is, in its simplistic form, the eventual unity of the origin within the spectrum of continual progression.

Perfection becomes the achieving element of the physical existence opposed by the external existence of the qualitative forces protracted by libidinous instincts. True perfection in the physical plane is inhibited by the natural progression of the dominant characteristics delegated to man for the purpose of acquiring the altruistic nature. 

Were the embodied soul not to experience the basic characteristics of the human transformation within the specified degree of acumen, that soul would be inefficient to the original intention.

That is, without the accumulative experience of the basic physical nature the comprehension of the opposed entity would restrict the development of the individual soul. Therefore, the physical temptations in the human plane of existence were composed to equip the evolving soul with a perpetual understanding of the human instinct.

In progressive planes of existence, this prescribed awareness produces conciliatory comprehension enabling the fruitioned soul to become the mentor of the variegated entities. Progression without transgression eliminates comprehension. The comprehension of the human transgressions emanates toward the continuing progress of the soul’s evolution.

Beyond the human existence is a transitory state of being for evaluation of the previous existence in the various forms. A repository of all former experiences is maintained for the edification of the soul in preparation for the next plane of development. That plane is selected as a result of the judgment of the soul and its desire to attain oneness with the Creator.

To become one with the Creator can be achieved only through perfection. When the soul has evolved to the state of perfection then it is in the image and likeness and becomes one with the origin.

The Technological Achievement of Man

The steps upon which man ascended to the present technological state were constructed by the natural results of cause and effect. 

The development of the mind was achieved through various forms of cognizance. The basic needs of survival prompted the mental contemplation to develop beyond the initial instinct. 

The differentia between the animal and human species was promulgated by the extrasensory development of the human form during a transient period of existence.

From the beginning of earth matter, the viable distinction of man was achieved through a genetic process within the formulation of biological nature. Progression of the intelligent nature was a result of heterosis, with the progeny developing beyond the original and producing an elated form of genesis. 

The stages of human development into the formed species produced necessary means of survival beyond basic instinct. The loss of natural protective covering initiated the need to find methods of creating garments. 

The issuance of prescribed physical maintenance was the primary developer of technological intellect. Originally it was for survival, then for comfort and eventually the culmination of all for personal achievement.

The accumulative substance of the projected incarnation facilitated corporate cohesion, withstanding the augmented factors of competitive components. The logical progression of achievement became the predisposed intent as opposed to the original precept of acquiescent development.

Contrary to the original design of the progression of the human element, the nature of free will precluded the non-combative existence. The emergence of the warring factor was predisposed by the conclusive effect of individualistic nature conglomerated into a solidified unit of projected predominance.  The assent of the intellectual man progressed through altruism into illiberal cognizance. 

Concession by the lesser elements of homo-sapien contingents precipitated a baseless formula of existence unintended by the original intention. 

Deviation from the prescribed intent produced a subjugation of the natural eminence thereby inhibiting the general direction.  This inhibition of intent projected the prevalent existence of continuing technology. 

The source of technology is not questioned, the evolvement of technology is progressed into infinite, ill-defined goals requiring continuing proliferation.
The technological advancement must not precede the physiological progression. The material acquisitions of man must be in circumspect with the original intention. 

Transgression prolongs the final awareness and acquisition of the original intent thereby impeding the projected evolution beyond the human existence.

The philosophy of man developed at a stage of existence when he became cognizant of his mortality. Awareness of the life and death motion of his surroundings prognosticated the eventual demise of his being. Within his limited scope of mental development, man processed the original thought beyond the immediate reality, projecting the development of the brain to conceive ideologies.

Consequential development of the continuing issuance of intelligible thought promulgated astute recognition of the infinite potential of human development. Transference of the pursuant credibility to the original philosophy was accomplished initially through extrasensory projection.

Prior to the development of verbal communication, man transferred mental concepts through the combination of repeated thought and physical gestures. The emergence of language came as a direct result of the continual development of the intellect.

Extrasensory perception was annihilated by the projection of the vocal ability to produce communicative comprehension. 

The initial verbal transaction was contained within monosyllabic sounds. The expansion of the preliminary vocal dialogue produced a didactic principle of obvious substance. Coordination of basic sounds was generated through a consequential sequence. Pragmatic speech-facilitated the transference of immediate precepts concurrent to the initial thought or action. As communication between the species developed, thought patterns evolved designing the origin of philosophy.

Basic philosophical precepts pertained to the immediate stage of existence, human survival. Subsequent acquisition of extraneous awareness precipitated intuitive cognizance beyond logical explanation. The transcendent nature produced a phenomenon equating to the eventual disposition of the non-human element contained within the physical manifestation, the soul.

Awareness of the existent soul questioned the purpose of life within and beyond the present state. Progressive mental expansion perceived the existence beyond the temporal state, awakening a decided projection of nature to be assimilated with the astute knowledge of a programmed design.

Thus the ecclesiastical community developed producing mentors of the basic doctrine. The original religions were saturated with an abundance of variegated deities controlling the vast elements. Man’s primitive intellect gave interpretation to surrounding, unexplained phenomena. 

As the maturity of the intellect achieved the ability to rationalize the prevailing forces of nature, the original premise was adjusted. Explanation of the causative nature of the elements by the logical comprehension of the ensuing generations illuminated the previously darkened theories.

Circumspective analysis of the prevalent thesis activated the perpetual acceptance of the original divinity. Deviation from the acquired intelligible truth does not inhibit the original premise but gives credence through scholastic dogma. Therefore the eventual understanding and acceptance of one divine nature personified in God is the prevailing, cumulative result of the logical development of human philosophy.’

Continuing development of the basic philosophy introduced standards of morality within progressive societies. A negative action impeding the progression of the soul evolved when the human element acquired an awareness of a selfish nature. The concept of sin was designed and created by man. Right and wrong did not come from the Creator since the origin of creation was perfect. The human element acquired sin through the progressive physical and mental desire for personal, self-gratifying achievement.

To speak of sin one must understand the qualification of sin. Any negative action that inhibits the progression of the non-human element of existence can be classified as ‘sin’. The word “sin”, in and of itself can be a misnomer when considered within the positive and negative computation of the spirit. Spiritual development is based on cognizant awareness of the multiple transgressions producing the impediments of the logical designed progression.

When the intellect of the human element acquired material, physical and emotional satisfaction, the continuing existence of the embodied form became essential to further development. The major obstacle to achievement is the inability of the mind to expand within its fullest potential.

The development of the human mental ability has been deterred by the reluctance of the physical form to proceed beyond the immediate supposition. 

Acceptance of the prevailing sphere of influence, that is, assuming the basic nature of educated awareness, precludes the act of mind expansion. The use of the mental facilities has been confined within the earthly realm as opposed to being in conjunction with universal awareness.

The forward projection of the intellect has been inclined toward the immediate surroundings producing a limited development that slows the process of spiritual progressions.

There existed within the stages of development a nature of expanded acumen that had progressed rapidly towards total awareness. The lost continent of expanded development was a result of non-adherence to the prescribed intent. That is, the highly intellectual species of human existence possessed technological achievements that produced destructive elements annihilating the developers. 

The nature of man has evolved to the extent of possible self-annihilation as a result of non-adherence to the original intent.

Man’s attunement to the basic purpose of life in the human existence has become discordant through contrary expulsion of the preceding element. Divergent standards imposed by previous generations created an ill-defined concept of the distinct purpose of existence. Disharmony developed in the continuing generations through contrary attitudes projected by the experienced conceivers of life.

Achievement for the purpose of survival became predominate within the species thus subjugating the original commencement to the higher plans.
Consequently, a resurgence of the soul within the physical manifestation is paramount to the completion of the defined goal.

Expansion and progression of the mental capabilities must be within the prescribed degree of intent designed by the Creator. Deviation conceives ill-bred receptacles progressing towards ill-defined goals. 

True development of the spiritual nature requires the ultimate expansion of the mind beyond immediate conjecture. Thus the responsibility of the intuitive individual is to project the acute awareness of the intellect towards the realization of cosmic consciousness, adhering to the basic laws of nature.

To progress within the physical plane requires multiple incarnations as a result of the negative actions incurred throughout previous embodiments. These negative actions were acquired with and without intention in that one negative action precipitated another sometimes without concession of the intellect. For example, the negative action produced from a desire for personal gratification beyond normal acquiescence produces a negative action of achievement sometimes without rationalization.

Acceptance of basic transgressions in the human existence without awareness of the pre-designed intention deters the ultimate awareness.
That is, to accept the negative action without realization of the cognizance acquired within the act inhibits the basic intention of the human existence. 
The purpose of the soul’s ingestion in the human embodiment is to acquire the ultimate knowledge of the existence of divinity.

Divinity is not imperceptible once the limitations of the mind have been unleashed and allowed to develop beyond immediate consociation. 

Achievement of total realization commences only through the distribution of philosophic dichotomy. The basic law of intent proposed dual awareness within the physical manifestation. The two, though related in origin, are opposed in progression until the final realization is achieved.

Understanding, acceptance, and control of the variant factors impeding spiritual development can be achieved only through intellectual awareness of repetitive states of existence. Once the mind has developed into the field of divine realization, the preceding effects of transgression are eliminated through substantiate conviction.

These words were 'boldly' impressed.


The acute awareness of Jesus was revealed through con-substantiation. Oneness with God is attainable by all with varying degrees of progression.

Jesus was the elevated manifestation chosen to be witness to the designed intention. His teachings were the result of frequent incarnations which developed cognizant awareness of the intended purpose.

Jesus is the son of God manifested within the human element for the purpose of illuminating the awareness of the all-encompassing Creator. The final delegation of the Spirit of Jesus was to resurrect the soul within the human form to prove the existence beyond the immediate state of being.

The final life of Jesus was to portray the divine existence and the means of achievement

And the words ended, the thoughts were gone.  Are these thoughts from the depth of my psyche or dictated to me from another source?  After all these years, I still don't know, but I have a strong feeling they are not my words.

©1976-unknown via M. Bradley McCauley


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