Saturday, March 31, 2018

A Life Changing Novel Introduction

Peter pauses before climbing the marble steps leading to the massive intricately carved doors. His nervousness increases, concerned about what he is about to encounter. One of his friends told him that coming to Anon's Gatherings would help him make major changes in his life. He saw what it did for his friend, once a near recluse who blossomed into an outgoing personality. Peter knows he needs to change his life. Taking a deep breath, he carefully moves up the steps, reads the 'please enter' handwritten sign on the doors and taps softly before entering.

Marcy sits in her car watching the neatly dressed young man pause before going inside the huge mansion. The structure is intimidating, almost eerie, especially in the approaching nightfall where shadows seem to hold dark secrets. She slips the keys out of the ignition, takes a lipstick from her patterned tote bag, adds some to her already bright red lips, checks her mascara in the rearview mirror, takes a deep breath, opens the car door determining she will make the best of whatever happens inside.

Tony arrives just as the doors to the house are closed. He glances around the immaculately landscaped driveway, notices the electronically gated iron fence and wonders if he might be out of place in what looks like is a ritzy resort. As the foreman of a landscaping company, he spends a good bit of time in places like this as a worker, not a guest. 
Ah what the hell. I got nothing else to do tonight anyway. He jumps from the car and saunters to the fancy steps. I don't have to stay if it ain't my thing.

Three cars are parked in the curved driveway when Alice arrives. Furtively looking at her watch, she sees she is on time. Being on time is always important to Alice. She has anxiety attacks if she thinks she is late for something. 
Anxiety, that is one of the reasons she is coming to this Gathering. She desperately needs to get over her anxiety attacks, among other issues, including her acute loneliness. Having taken one of her calming pills before leaving home, she is able to approach the doors to the mansion with only slight nervousness. Swallowing the lump building in her throat, she whispers a prayer that coming here will change her life.

Ralph Waldo Emerson
Great men are they who see that spiritual thought is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule the world.”

William James
as a being of power, intelligence, love, and thoughts, man holds the key to every situation.”

Anon says
Sages and philosophers throughout history have known about a Power. Many have written about it.” He pauses briefly, capturing their interest. “As I have already stated, the purpose of this Gathering is to acquaint you with that Power. It is the Power of the universe and once you are in tune with it, you will use it to change your lives.”


Anon clutches the arms of the recliner, his body stiffening as a sharp pain stabs his left shoulder, shoots across his jaw, and wrenches down his right arm. He thrashes his hand into his sweater pocket, his long slender fingers grasping the tiny vial of nitroglycerin. With shaking hands, he clumsily unscrews the lid, shakes out a tiny white pill, and places it under his tongue.
Not now,” he hoarsely whispers to the empty room, “not yet, please… there is no one to replace me. I can’t go until the one to follow has been chosen. Please, not now.”
The stinging pain on his tongue assures him the pill is working. Knowing a headache will follow, he inhales deeply, practicing an ancient procedure of relaxation. Closing his eyes, he uses the power of his mind to transcend him into a place of peace and comfort where he connects with the inner strength that has never failed him. As the pain disappears, he mentally whispers thank you and recaps the bottle, returning it to the pocket of his gray cable knit sweater.
Sitting still for a few moments, his fingers clasping the tiny bottle in his pocket, he realizes the attacks are coming more often and without any physical provocation. He is acutely aware that his time is short and he must find the one who is to take his place; the one to whom he will give the “Gift of the Inner Secret”. Perhaps tonight in this room, the one he’s been waiting for will attend this first night of his final Gathering.

Click on the book to see details!

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