Monday, April 16, 2018

Changing Me - Part 4

The best part of changing me so far is the result of self-analyzation. I have felt guilty about not getting out socially. I have frequently been told I need to get out more and spend less time at the computer.

Here's the thing. I like my way. I am happy doing what I do. I am the classic 'extroverted-introvert'.  While I love people and communicating, I like spending time alone. prefer calm environments. thinking time, and I prefer texting over calling.

I took the Myers-Briggs test more than once years ago and found it hard to believe I was introverted because I am socially out-going. That is because I love people, but find I am exhausted when I have been with groups and am always glad to be home.

As I age, I have anxiety about going to activities where there are more than one or two people. I don't mind going out among people and casually exchange 'isn't it a nice day' type of talk but not groups like interactive meetings or chit-chat social affairs.

For example, I'm chatty, love to talk, actually feel impelled to talk. Shopping once with a less than 'chatty' granddaughter, she asked me if I have to talk to everybody. I said, "yes".

What this all comes down to is, being home, at the computer, online doing social media is perfect for me. I can communicate, indulge my love of writing, and be in the quiet environment.

As for changing me--here's where I am now,

#1 - well on its way--decluttering and rearranging. Getting rid of or storing things that merely add visual but not practical purpose. Most of the time I am oblivious to them, they are things that are 'there'.

#2 - not going as planned. I think about it---and I know the importance of physical exercise---
'Nuff said.

#3 - about the same as 2---not accomplishing as much as I hoped I would.

#4 - doing much better. I know my basic style--have bought a couple items--but mostly gotten rid of things that don't fit the look I want. I will be down to a basic minimalist summer wardrobe by the end of this week.

#5 -  Yes, doing very well on my writing craft. Edited a few stories focused on changing from passive to active voice, getting rid of superfluous words that add nothing to the story, and preparing them for publication. Still missing actively creating stories.

I think the Serenity Prayer suits me at this time.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time;" 

Any progress or major changes will be posted on this blog.
Changing Me to How I Want to Be

Changing Me - Part 2

Changing Me - Part 3

Changing Me - Part 4

Changing Me - Part 5

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Comments are welcome. Yoo can email them or put on facebook.

1 comment:

  1. Build in some awards for things you do accomplish-- you have moved forward toward your goals. I give myself points or gold stars for moving forward every single step! -- and just look at the positive influence you have been with this rebuilding of yourself!


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